No Cost Curbside Meals, Free and Reduced Meal Application
September 15, 2020

As a reminder, the USDA approved for CMCSS to continue serving free breakfast and lunch meals to all children 18 and under, as the district has since March. The USDA stated that these free meals will be available through December 2020, or until funds run out. No information has been made available beyond December 2020.
Meals are available for all children 18 and under in Montgomery County, including students in CMCSS K-12 Virtual, students enrolled in traditional, and children not enrolled in CMCSS schools.
Traditional students may receive a free breakfast and lunch each school day, inside their school building, as part of their regular day.
CMCSS K-12 Virtual students and children not enrolled in a CMCSS school may pick up meals curbside. All curbside meals will be available at the closest elementary school beginning Friday, September 18. Curbside meals will no longer be available for pick-up at any middle or high school locations. Families with multiple children can pick-up all meals in one location.
Weekday meals are available Mondays from 1 – 2 p.m. for CMCSS K-12 Virtual and non-enrolled children, 18-years-old and under, at all CMCSS elementary schools.
Weekend meals are available Fridays from 1 – 2 p.m. for CMCSS K-12 Virtual, traditional students, and non-enrolled children, 18-years-old and under, at all CMCSS elementary schools.
Children are not required to be present for curbside pick-up. The person picking up meals will need to provide the name of the child(ren) not present.
Although pre-payment for meals will not be needed, if a student wants to purchase any items available outside of the free meal served in the cafeteria, funds will need to be applied to his/her account. Parents/guardians can preload funds on a student’s account at This is the preferred and fastest way to add funds. Or, families may mail a check in advance to the cafeteria at their student’s enrolled school. No payments will be accepted curbside. Funds already applied to a student’s account can remain on the account for use when this program ends.
It is currently expected that the breakfast and lunch meals will be provided to students free of charge through December of 2020, this could potentially end earlier if funding for the free meals from the Federal Government runs out prior to the end of December 2020. Once the free meal program ends, each student’s meal eligibility status will take effect at that time, and a cost will be associated with each meal purchased unless the student receives an approved free meal eligibility status. A student’s eligibility status will change to paid status if an approved application is not on file and approved by Wednesday, October 21, 2020, at 4:30 pm. Please remember that parents or guardians are responsible for charge balances on their student’s account.
As a reminder, the grace period for the Free and Reduced Meal Program will end on Wednesday, October 21. If you feel that your child qualifies for free and reduced meal benefits, and you have not filled out a free/reduced application for this school year, or you have not received a letter stating that your child is on the program for this school year, you will need to fill out an application. For a quicker application method, you can go to the online application at If you choose to have a paper application, they are available at your child’s school or at Central Office.
For questions regarding Free and Reduced Meal Applications, contact [email protected].